Live show 21.00 sharp, entrance 9,- (cash preferred)
20:00:00 —

the Irrational Library album release party + Holbeck + DJ Duo: Just Regards & Dusty Michael
Would the sound of our times be chimney-smoked chorales of thunderous nuclear bombs, roaring a doomed acoustic testimony of humanity’s self-destructive instincts?
Will this sound be a polished portion of a sacred lie about civility and progress, about man’s overtures of victory over his own vices?
When bombs and rifle serenades are far too familiar to many a war-torn country and home, street wars and economic suicides are a lyric of our age of decay of course, and music must provide the melancholy soundtrack and The Irrational Library’s is that score.
In their wild and sullen art, they forge a symphony of the discordant whine of today’s eternal wail unto forbidden gods and glamorous demons of a shadow world.
Sanctification of roughed up nomads lost in a time without time. A remix of parallel times, all stewed up into a brew gurgling in a rusty throat of morphemic saxophone.
Resuscitated beatniks are jostling among deranged ravers and the music of a grey bearded oracle with a band of misfits stand atop the pile burning towards ceilings of power.
A halo on a razor edge, a remix of parallel times, the ludicrous sincerity of rhythm keeping the paces of joy and pain in sync. The Irrational Library is that score that settles the score for the under-scored.
(text Khahliso Matela)
(think and feel – Gil Scott Heron/Morphine/Black Flag)
The band Holbeck is a unique trio that balances between the subtlety of Morphine and the eclectic madness of Primus. But with their cracking sax-solos, hypnotic bass lines and pumping drums, Holbeck mainly sounds like themselves.