
Cocktails proeven, opening expo Stella en dansen met de Kootjes
Deur open 20.00, entree gratis
Wij hebben een nieuwe cocktailkaart! En zijn nog een beetje brak van afgelopen week. Dus vanavond kan je nieuwe cocktails proeven tegen oude prijzen. En elke cocktail wordt in twee halve glaasjes uitgeserveerd, zodat je niet zo snel dronken bent en kan delen met je beste vrienden. Of met ons.
Stella Jacobs
Stella Jacobs is a self-taught multidisciplinary artist from Amsterdam who is very excited to showcase her recent works at Nieuwe Anita on January 6th, 2024.
Having experienced artistic burnout in most of my twenties, I started experimenting with digital art. Working digitally allowed me to minimize the barrier to start creating again. I couldn’t ‘waste’ resources and could try different ideas and collages based on one work without limiting myself. Anything could be altered, copied, or deleted.
In these works, I aim to practice traditional art by doing studies and pieces, then experimenting with distorting and altering them to create a small series. This exposition shows how I escaped my creative burnout and developed my own style that fits both my aesthetic and creative process!