


The Mosfets + Paro + DJ Moos Meijer

Doors open 20:00, first band 21:00 sharp, entrance 9,- (door only, cash preferred)

The Mosfets’ unfttered sound and their constant push to new heights sonically has begun to create a stir in Northern Europe. They’ve been described as an “absolute kick up the tailpipe for the crowd” and “music that can only be described as psychedelic garage rock with depressing lyrics and a very energetic and dare I say positive vibe?”

PARO pulls from a huge array of genres and zeitgeists to turn them into a sound that is completely new. With topics like youth, politics and the eccentricities of the 21st century they bring a nostalgia not for the past, but for the present. The innovative rhythms and dystopian synthesizer bring the lyrics to life and before you know it you’re sucked into the world of their own.

Mozes plays post-punk disco, bollywood tunes and globalocal party music. records that are somewhere inbetween genre’s time’s and places. The odd one’s out.

Presented by Bandgurl Bookings