


Witte Gei’t: Mission Man, Alice Flynn & Ray Romijn

Witte Geit: A peaceful Mind…!?
Elke dinsdag korte akoestische acts op ons kleine podium! Vanaf zes uur kan er gegeten worden bij Robin Food.
Every Tuesday, short acoustic acts on our small stage. Tonight, restaurant Robin Food is open from 6.

Mission Man began rapping in 1992, when a friend told him to “kick a rap.” Gary (Mission Man) replied, “I can’t rap man,” but after his friend insisted, Gary did indeed kick a 30 second rap.

He’s been making music ever since, and has 14 studio albums, and a live album to his credit. Album 15 will likely be out in 2024.

Has a stranger ever overshared with you at a party or club? Did you really want to leave, but didn’t out of politeness and spent your whole night listening to this person? If the answer is yes, unfortunately for you, this person is back with a vengeance! Lost somewhere between his love for Justice, Arcade Fire and Joost Klein is ALICE FLYNN. Armed with the HARDEST beats and JUICIEST synths, Alice Flynn will guide you through the lowest and highest moments of his young adulthood. He will spare no details about his love life, but this time YOU will LOVE it too!

Ray is an independent artist based in Amsterdam, originally from Brazil, he spent his teenage years in the United States, playing in various bands, including The Tone in America and Dirty Faces in the UK. Later, he moved to the Netherlands to focus on solo projects, blending singer-songwriter storytelling with rock ‘n’ roll influences from the 1950s to the 1980s. His latest EP, Tales of Amsterdam, was fully home-recorded and self-produced, capturing life experiences and reflections through catchy melodies.